Sunday, January 20, 2008

HI Superferry: My work is done here...

My best stuff posted here on this blog were the Break Even Analysis, Scheduling Analysis, finding and evaluating the Army Corp of Engineers studies on the harbors, finding and using surf forecasting sources, some pictures that I have taken and put up on flickr, Pualaa's Manifesto and finding and interacting some with the people who run the sites below. Most of the good stuff that I come across, except for the my own original things that I mention above, are also posted by the team of very energetic people who run the sites below.

Beyond some of the original posts in this blog, I refer you to the following sites to keep on top of this issue:

Run by Andrea Brower and Keone Kealoha. Andrea has a ton of energy and is constantly updating this web site. Andrea and Keone want to make this a site for all kinds of positive sustainable development on Kauai:

Run by Karen Chun. This has become an outstanding blog on the Superferry and Kahului Harbor. I am quite happy to refer people to Karen's blog to follow the Superferry and related issues from here on. For Kahului harbor and Superferry issues on Maui:

Joan Conrow is also a professional journalist by training and chooses to live on Kauai and write about events close to home including the effect of the Superferry debate:

Juan Wilson runs and Jonathan Jay contributes to a really well thought out Kauai sustainable development web page/blog. BTW, both do great graphics:

Larry Geller runs a professional journalistic blog about the news that doesn't get covered. He has been covering the Superferry and related issues well:

These are the sites I recommend following. If I left somebody out, I'll edit this and add them in.

Aloha, Brad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Brad for your efforts in bring ing to light all the info so people can see the truth for themselves.

Safe surfing!