Here is a little description from the publisher's web page:
"In 2001, an entrepreneur got the idea to start a high-speed, inter-island ferry that would connect Honolulu with the neighbor islands. In a short time, the idea was hijacked by a corporation with vast military ties, and the Hawai‘i Superferry became a prototype for America’s sea-based military strategy for the new century. Never approved by the people of Hawai‘i, the project rode in on a wave of deception and corruption — from the governor’s office to the Hawaii Superferry Corporation. On Maui, environmental groups blocked passage in the courts, only to be overridden by a special session of the legislature. On Kauai, citizens took to surfboards and effectively blocked the vessel from entering the harbor.
The Superferry Chronicles tells the full inside story of corporate and governmental collusion and, at the same time, of personal and political empowerment to protect Hawaii’s waters, lands, and people.
Koohan Paik is a Kauai filmmaker, writer, and media-literacy educator.
In the 1970s, Jerry Mander founded the Public Media Center to help nonprofit organizations create very successful media campaigns. In 1998, he founded the International Forum on Globalization. Author of bestselling books, San Francisco-based Mander has been called “the patriarch of the anti-globalization movement” by the New York Times and “the Ralph Nader of advertising” by the Wall Street Journal."
Also, there was an OTF meeting on Nov. 6th. I was sent some testimony on that which is here: http://disappearednews.com/docs/PWFOTF11608.pdf
Lastly, something for Austal, and HSV producers and users. The biggest single problem that HSV's have is the inefficient diesel engines they use and the fuel cost of their operation. For commercial operators it is prohibitively expensive and inefficient. Military HSV's are also inefficient except when compared to military cargo jets, and then it looks like a savings, but not really. The following research document just came out, and it looks like something that could actually be useful to the Navy, Army, Austal, Incat, and commercial operators in the not too distant future:
Abstract: http://electricalandelectronics.org/?p=1087
Full report .pdf: http://electricalandelectronics.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/htsmotorsforhighspeedshipsasne.pdf
Aloha, Brad
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