Wednesday, December 19, 2007

HI Superferry: Belt Collins Latest Work


Belt Collins: Harbor EIS...Indication of their work‏

The state DOT/Belt Collins filed the draft EIS on the Kahului Harbor 2030 Master Plan with the state Office of Environmental Quality Control on Dec. 12, 2007:

Already I can tell they do not have enough breakwater improvement alternative plans in the study. For the breakwater improvements they only show two alternatives, both of which are almost the same, neither of which is optimal. They did not adequately draw upon the USACoE studies. There are better alternatives for new layouts of the breakwaters. I may ask Jonathan to help with some graphics to show some better breakwater layout alternatives.

This is interesting if this is an indication of the kind of work that Belt Collins does as they are doing the EIS for the Superferry. Their web page is:

Aloha, Brad

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