Wednesday, May 28, 2008

HI Superferry: 'Record Loads'

Sorry, this came out yesterday. I did the calcs yesterday, but was too busy to get it up here. Wish somebody else could/would do this. Anyway, here it is:

HSF numbers released for May 23-26 were:

5500 people and 1500 vehicles transported and their est. for the month of May
21000 people and 5800 vehicles.

First, that means nearly a quarter of all of their traffic for May happened during the 4 days of the Memorial Day weekend.

Second, there were 14 one-way trips over that weekend, so they averaged:
393 people per one-way trip and
107 vehicles per one-way which is
Enough to cover their fuel costs for those 4 days, but NOT the rest of their expenses.
This is noticeably a higher ratio of people to cars than HSF has been averaging...onboard live blogging pictures on the web over the Memorial Day weekend indicated increased foreign visitor group travel onboard which would account for the blip of passengers and not so much cars over the weekend.

Third, they will have had 88 one-way trips for the month of May, so they would average:
239 people per one-way trip and
66 vehicles per one-way which is
NOT Enough on average to cover just their fuel costs for the month of May.
Furthermore, those trip averages for the Month of May are actually lower than the trip averages they were having in the latter part of April.

Aloha, Brad

1 comment:

MauiJim said...

The reason for the increase in car traffic on the ferry over Memorial weekend was due to the big drag races we had on Maui. The races went on for 4 or 5 days with what looked to me like about 200-250cars entered. I would assume about 1/2 of those came over on the ferry along with probably some spectators. Even the PA announcer at the races said something to the effect 'that it was the only good thing about the ferry so far'! I got a chuckle out of that when he said it. And I actually agreed with him.
But if Superferry officials think sporadic increases like that are going to save them they are in for another rude awakening. They are just too few and far between. The bottom line is with the increase of fuel to almost triple what it was when they started building that boat, they can't run a sustainable business with that gas hog.
Keep up the good work Brad.