END OF THE LINE: A Kauai man attempts to stop the arrival of the Superferry on Kauai last August.
Hawaii Business / June 2008 / "Something’s Happening Here"A string of controversies on Kauai is changing the way people do business. The rest of the state might not be far behind
By Scott Radway
"Everything went completely wrong. There was a lone surfer, straddling his maybe 9-foot surfboard, floating in Nawiliwili Harbor, arms raised, staring defiantly at the prow of the 350-foot, high-speed Alakai. The massive boat owned by the Hawaii Superferry venture was making its inaugural trip to Kauai last August and executives were trumpeting how it would make interisland travel cheaper and provide alternative avenues for businesses to send goods between the Islands.
But there was that surfer, caught in one of the most memorable news photographs in recent memory, staring down big business, protecting his island, risking his life..."
Read rest of article at: http://www.hawaiibusiness.com/Hawaii-Business/June-2008/Somethings-Happening-Here/index.php?
Aloha, Brad
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