Friday, March 13, 2009

Few Points of Update...HB 1171, Gov's Quarterly Reports, Progress Report, Essay Contest

Will be honest, I don't always have time to post here. Many times I can just e-mail the appropriate people and get the word out that way without taking the added time of posting to this blog. That has been going on over the past week. But we should recap.

1. Re: HB 1171 see: "Lawmakers refuse to give Superferry study more time" by the AP on Mar. 10th, 2009. The article did not explain it, but I suspect after the content of HB 1171 was changed in committee that parties on all sides of the issue wanted HB 1171 dead. I don't believe it was just because of letter writers who do not want Act 2's sunset date extended who killed the bill. I think it is more likely parties did not want to renegotiate payments to service the cost of the barges/ramps. We can thank a certain committee chair for that. Anyway, HB 1171 and SB 989 are now dead. This time last week that would have been considered inconceivable. The manipulators who want to extend or repeal Act 2's sunset date aren't done yet. They may have one more trick up their sleeve. I'll leave it at that for now.

2. Larry Geller got back a response dated March 12th to a State OIP inquiry about where are the Governor's Act 2 Section 4 Quarterly Reports that were suppose to review the efficacy and appropriateness of Act 2 conditions and protocols and costs to the state. Larry writes about it and reprints the letter from the Governor's office at The Governor's office wants to say that the Act 2 Section 13 monthly reports also satisfy the Act 2 Section 4 requirements. The letter also alludes to the 2 quarterly reports that are still required under Act 2 Section 4 in 2009 when there are no more Act 2 Section 13 OTF reports being done. Oh s**t, almost forgot about that too?

3. Rob Parsons, no relation, no relation to Captain Mike either, did a "Superferry Progress Report." Juan Wilson reposted it with good picture/s.

4. The ferry has begun an essay writing contest. We are also seeking selected submissions on the same essay title. Quality essay responses that we received back will be posted to this blog. Think we might get at least a couple of famous surfer responses. Hoping one will be the "Tiananmen" surfer in his own words and the other one an MD surfer. Will share those if they happen.

As always,
Aloha, Brad

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