Thursday, January 15, 2009

Borderline Conditions

Have added a new 'Conditions' section over to the right here. The vessel is apparently making a go of it today. Here are the conditions it will be struggling into. These are the times when the conditions passed Buoy 1 today, 4 hours after that they reach Kauai, 5-6 hours to reach Oahu:

Time at Buoy 1 Windsd-kts Gusts-kts Waveheight-ft
2:50 am------------19.4-------25.3-------16.1
3:50 am------------19.4-------25.3-------17.1
4:50 am------------19.4-------25.3-------15.7
5:50 am------------21.4-------25.3-------15.4
6:50 am------------19.4-------23.3-------17.7 (12 - 1pm Oahu)
7:50 am------------19.4-------25.3-------19.0 (1 - 2pm Oahu)
8:50 am------------21.4-------25.3-------18.4 (2 - 3pm Oahu)

Keeping in mind that the above wave heights are more orderly open-ocean swell, as opposed to higher near-shore breaking wave faces or in-channel wind-whipped and anomalous rogue waves.

The ride to and from Maui today would be very rough for the passengers, but the ride from Maui back to Oahu could border on the most that this vessel can handle.

Aloha, Brad

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