Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Superferry's Boondoggle Business Plan

Source: http://thegardenisland.com/news/opinion/mailbag/article_ffeeaac0-993a-11df-a4d1-001cc4c03286.html?mode=story

Superferry’s boondoggle business plan

The July 24 letter writer Cayetano Gerardo must have missed the recent AP news item in The Garden Island, “The Hawaii Superferry was sailing under a facade of success ... shortchanging the state on its monthly fees. The company’s inability to pay fully [as early as] July 2008 indicates it was in troubled waters nine months before [voluntarily ceasing operations]...”

Indeed, let’s remember and support the elected officials who took a stand against a boondoggle business plan that was destined to fail in the free market.

Furthermore, the voters/consumers of Hawai‘i can thank the blind political supporters of the Superferry for 18 more years of higher prices to cover the more than $40 million that the state lost on the Superferry and which other harbor users now have to cover and pass on to the consumers of Hawai‘i.

Indeed, come election day let’s remember the politicians who did not speak up and those who supported a Superferry business plan that was destined to fail under top-heavy operating expenses and ultimately cost the taxpayers and consumers more money for nothing. Vote ‘em out.

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