Monday, February 15, 2010

What other bloggers are saying about these vessels

Interesting the knowledgeable comparisons that are made in the following two recent blog posts:

Mulling the LCS down-select: | USNI Blog
By Defense Springboard
If LCS-1 wins the initial down-select, the JHSV catamaran becomes a viable platform. (And given the minimum-cost focus of the LCS RfP–LCS-1 may well end up winning the LCS contract.) In that case, the JHSV gets a wide-open niche to go ...
USNI Blog -

Information Dissemination: JHSVs Are Not Coastal Patrol Vessels
By Galrahn
You'll see, for example, improvements at the low end because we've stabilized the LCS program and increased the Joint High Speed Vessel program quite significantly, to 23 vessels. There was a big debate within the department on patrol ...
Information Dissemination -

The following were a couple of interesting articles from last week on the JHSV. Recommend reading the one from the 9th:

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