Wednesday, May 20, 2009

More about New Scoping for the EIS

Was thinking back on an old post here,, quoting from that:

A very interesting MIT Masters Degree thesis on ferry selection. I cite it here:

"Assessing High Speed Waterborne (HSW) Services, Based on Synthetic Aspects of Route Characteristics, Transport Economy, and Vessel Performance"
LEONIDAS M. TH. KAMBANIS File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat...break even analysis...'Superferry II'

Leonidas Kambanis did another thesis for a second Masters Degree at MIT that is also very interesting. It is "Analysis and Modeling of Power Transmitting Systems for Advanced Marine Vehicles"
And is about the selection of propulsion systems for advanced marine vehicles taking into consideration design, cost-benefit, and propulsion for the needed purpose.

It is my belief that a commercial ferry for Hawaii should have about half the engine power of the Alakai and burn about half its fuel from a cost-benefit standpoint, given the route distances involved here.

Worth reading/reviewing are the above two thesises on ferry selection based on route conditions, distances, fuel consumption, and type of vessel, which I submit, was never properly done in this case. (That's right 'Kimo', was not properly done, or is it Tim?) It is one key reason why there should be new Scoping Meetings for the EIS in this case.

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